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 "Destak" - Presse portugaise

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7 participants

Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007
Localisation : Bordeaux

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyMer 30 Avr 2008 - 19:46

Petite itw de Jared à propos du groupe dans la presse portugaise.

Traduction proposée par Mars.echelon du Board a écrit:
30 Seconds to Mars
A few days from returning to Portugal, Destak (newspaper) had a conversation with Jared Leto, who confessed to be proud of returning to Portugal and revealed that “the concert in Coliseu (venue) was the best of the European tour”. For Saturday, Portuguese fans can expect an “explosive and energetic concert”.

«We have a special relationship with Portuguese fans»

1- Little more than two months after your first time in Portugal, you're back…
Jared: It’s an honour to return to Portugal. It’s a wonderful country and we’re very happy to be back.

2- What do you remember about the concert, with a completely sold out Coliseu?
Jared: It was phenomenal. It was an amazing concert and the best of our European tour. Because of that, when we defined the new European tour, we knew we had to include Portugal on our route and play again in this country.

3- It was the first time you were in Portugal (as a band). Did you have the opportunity to visit something else besides the venue and the hotel?
Jared: We got to see a bit of the coast and the sea. Portugal is a wonderful country.

4- What do you expect from the concert on Saturday, with more than 10.000 fans (wasn’t it supposed to be only 8.000?)
Jared: You can expect for an explosive, energetic concert, because it’s special playing in Lisbon. On Pavilhão Atlântico (venue), everyone will be able to see the special relationship that exists between the Portuguese public and 30 Seconds to Mars.

5- And that special relationship will give Portuguese fans the chance to listen, in first hand, to new songs?
Jared: Who knows?

6- It could be one of the surprises you prepared for the venue…
Jared: Fans can be surprised. Who knows?

7- Live, your songs have a different sound…
Jared: We play our last album’s songs for more than 2 years now, and they became alive, changed. We’re constantly defining and redefining our songs during concerts. The band feels fulfilled by playing live, because our songs become unique.

8- 30 Seconds to Mars was formed exactly 10 years ago. How has been this adventure?
Jared: These 10 years were amazing and we’re proud of our work.

9- The band has a big community of fans in Portugal, but, for people who don’t know you, how would you define 30 Seconds to Mars?
It’s an explosive experience. When you listen for the first time you always want to repeat. It’s an exciting experience that can be chaotic and bombastic amazing.

10- And how would you define your music?
Jared: It gets to be personal; it’s music that can be the sound track of one’s life. But, at the same time, it can be explosive, energetic, and can create a special atmosphere.

11- Your last album, ABL, was released in 2005. When can we expect something new?
Jared: We’re working with new ideas and redefining who 30 Seconds to Mars is.

12- And how do you do that?
Jared: Sometimes, the best way is to look back in order to know where we’re going.

(The little rectangle at the bottom of the page)

«Who cares about happiness?»

Jared Joseph Leto was born in Dec. 26th, 1971, and became known as Jordan Catalano on MSCL. As an actor, he was in films like Alexander and Chapter 27, but fame arrived with the release of his first work as a band. At 36, Leto is the idol of thousands of teens around the world.
“If I’m happy? What does it matter for… Who cares about happiness. Everyone can be happy. Who cares about that?”

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Ipb12
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Posteur Fou

Date d'inscription : 14/01/2008

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyMer 30 Avr 2008 - 21:27

Merci Pitch!

Citation :
We’re working with new ideas and redefining who 30 Seconds to Mars is.
"Destak" - Presse portugaise Ipb16
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Apprenti Echelon

Date d'inscription : 16/01/2007

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyMer 30 Avr 2008 - 21:41

Citation :
Sometimes, the best way is to look back in order to know where we’re going.

Ca augure de bonnes choses ça non ?

Merci Pitch happy
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Posteur Fou

Date d'inscription : 14/01/2008

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyMer 30 Avr 2008 - 21:53

Oui, j'imagine!
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Mars Army New Soldier


Date d'inscription : 04/06/2007
Localisation : nice

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyJeu 1 Mai 2008 - 7:05

Merci pour l'article !!! Je crois avoir plus ou moins compris happy
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Charette Létropsex h

Date d'inscription : 10/12/2007

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyJeu 1 Mai 2008 - 7:32

il doit en avaoir vraiment marre , deux ans après qu'on lu demande toujours d'expliquer ABL "Destak" - Presse portugaise Ipb7

merci piiitch ^^
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p'tit bout
Apprenti Echelon
p'tit bout

Date d'inscription : 03/03/2008

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyJeu 1 Mai 2008 - 7:35

Ah c'est clair mais bon je trouve que les questions de la presse étrangère sont moins bêbêtes que la presse française Laughing C'est une impression où il dit un peu partout que le public est formidable (nan parceque sinon en France, on a du souci à se faire "Destak" - Presse portugaise Ipb19 )
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Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007
Localisation : Bordeaux

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyJeu 1 Mai 2008 - 8:08

De rien les gens.^^

Thaly a écrit:
Citation :
We’re working with new ideas and redefining who 30 Seconds to Mars is.
"Destak" - Presse portugaise Ipb16

Ca fait plusieurs fois qu'on lit ça... je sais pas si c'est de bonnes augure ou pas... -____-'
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Mars Army New Soldier

Date d'inscription : 03/02/2007
Localisation : on fucking mars !!

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyJeu 1 Mai 2008 - 9:20

Pitchouill a écrit:

Thaly a écrit:
Citation :
We’re working with new ideas and redefining who 30 Seconds to Mars is.

Ca fait plusieurs fois qu'on lit ça... je sais pas si c'est de bonnes augure ou pas... -____-'

Bah avec les penchants récents de Charette pour Full Duplex, ça m'inquiète un peu ...

Laughing Laughing
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Posteur Fou

Date d'inscription : 14/01/2008

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise EmptyJeu 1 Mai 2008 - 10:32

J'ai vraiment hâte de voir ce que ça veut dire tout ça charette.
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Contenu sponsorisé

"Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty
MessageSujet: Re: "Destak" - Presse portugaise   "Destak" - Presse portugaise Empty

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"Destak" - Presse portugaise
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