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 Call of The Wild

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Appelez moi Echelon

No Love. Just Desire

Date d'inscription : 15/09/2007
Localisation : In the Air

Call of The Wild Empty
MessageSujet: Call of The Wild   Call of The Wild EmptyMer 28 Juil 2010 - 17:48

Citation :
Call of the wild

July 28, 2010

Call of The Wild Jared-420x0
Tomo Millicevic and Shannon and Jared Leto. Photo: John Woudstra

Jared Leto and his band hope their music will set us free, writes Annie Stevens.

JARED Leto has a dire assessment of where he would be without music. ''I'd be homeless,'' he says.

Leto asserts that 30 Seconds to Mars, the US band he
started in 1998 as vocalist and guitarist with his brother Shannon on
drums, is what keeps him in the latest skinny-legged jeans. But he is
perhaps better known to the masses as a Hollywood actor for his roles in
films such as Fight Club, Girl, Interrupted, American Psycho, Requiem for a Dream and Alexander.

In Melbourne this week, Louisiana-born Leto is reluctant
to talk about Hollywood and his acting career, which was initially only
meant to be an aside to his music.
''I feel pretty lucky to be able to make music and tour. It's been an
incredible year so far,'' he says, looking the part of the
actor/musician with the remainder of the bleached mohawk he sported at
the Paris haute couture collections earlier this year.

His band is in Australia for their Into the Wild tour, which will take the band everywhere from New York to Budapest this year.

Leto's notable experience of Melbourne so far has been limited to a somewhat lucid dream on the plane on the way here.

''I had this dream about this seagull with these really
long teeth and then it turned into the size of a dog. I was swinging it
like crazy to try to get it off my arm. That was the deepest sleep I've
gotten in a while,'' says Leto.

''Plane dreams are the best,'' adds his brother, Shannon.

Lead guitarist Tomo Milicevic, the third member of the band, joined in 2007.

The closeness of the trio is evident in their continuous
bantering and teasing. Despite the confines of touring together, there
hasn't been any Oasis-style tension between the two musical brothers and

''[We] have a really good time and we're too focused to have petty nonsense going around,'' says Milicevic.

There's also no need to trash hotel rooms to prove their credentials as rockers.

''We like to trash the stage instead for release,'' says Shannon.

This is War, the band's third album, with its
title track featuring on the soundtrack of the video game Dragon Age,
was created in a particularly trying time. For much of the creative
period, the band's record label was in the process of suing them for an
alleged breach of contract.

''It's been difficult,'' says Jared, of the legal
struggle, ''but it's helped make a stronger record. There's been a lot
of magical moments.''

The band hope their fans will get some kind of connection with their music.

''To feel something, to connect in some way, to have a
great time, to lose their minds and have a moment of total freedom,''
says Milicevic. ''Well said, squire,'' says Jared, nodding.

30 Seconds to Mars are at Festival Hall tonight at 8

Source: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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Dark Avenger
Ex admin vintage sanguinaire
Dark Avenger


Date d'inscription : 09/08/2006
Localisation : Lille

Call of The Wild Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Call of The Wild   Call of The Wild EmptyMer 28 Juil 2010 - 17:52

merci camille!!!!
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Call of The Wild
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