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 Jared Leto of Thirty Seconds to Mars talks Hollywood Bowl Show & More (3 octobre 2013)

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Jared Leto of Thirty Seconds To Mars Talks Hollywood Bowl Show and More
3 octobre 2013

Rick Florino a écrit:

As far as 21st century rock music goes, there's nobody doing it quite like Thirty Seconds To Mars.

Their latest offering Love Lust Faith + Dreams is the kind of epic work we just don't see very often these days. For as much as it may evoke classics such as Dark Side of the Moon or even more recently White Pony, it's decidedly it's own ethereal, entrancing, and engaging journey. Driven by atmospheric instrumentation, thought-provoking lyrics, and elegant heaviness, it's a landmark for the band and modern rock.

As always, Thirty Seconds To Mars continue to deliver on stage as well. In groundbreaking fashion, the band has teamed with VyRT in order to broadcast their Hollywood Bowl show live online October 12, 2013 at 7:30pm PT. Fans the world over will have the chance to experience this at the same time.

In this exclusive interview with ARTISTdirect.com editor in chief Rick Florino, Thirty Seconds to Mars frontman Jared Leto talks partnering with VyRT to broadcast the show, Love, Lust, Faith + Dreams and so much more.

Why did you choose to partner with VyRT for this? It’s such a revolutionary idea, but what attracted you to the platform?

VyRT is a platform that provides really high quality access to viewers so they can experience the show online with their friends. The Hollywood Bowl show is the biggest we have played in the United States to date, and it's in our hometown. It's such a special night, I wanted to be able to share that with everyone around the world.

Was doing a concert broadcasted worldwide an idea you had been pondering for a while? Why did you choose to do it now?

We first did a premium, live broadcast at the end of 2011 when we marked the MARS 300 show—the 300th show on our worldwide tour. Since then, we have been able to broadcast all different types of events—through VyRT—to people all over the world. It's been everything from me, with a guitar in my living room, to performing at a church to a large-scale, full production show.

What else do you have planned for the bowl show too?

There are lots of surprises in store! You'll need to get your VyRT to find out what they are!

What’s the significance of the Hollywood Bowl for you? When was the first time you attended a show there?

I've seen so many amazing artists at the Hollywood Bowl. It's everyone from Radiohead to Peter Gabriel to Fleetwood Mac. It's also about three minutes from my house, so I'm excited to play somewhere that I pass by every time I venture into Hollywood.

Love, Lust, Faith + Dreams is your best record so far. It’s so immersive. What was your vision for it as a whole?

Thank you so much. With Love, Lust, Faith + Dreams , it was really about a new beginning for the band. Our last record, This Is War, was incredibly difficult to make as we had a $30 Million lawsuit looming over us. Love, Lust, Faith +Dreams is all about possibility. It was really a study in dreams and creativity for me.

Is it important for you to conjure images with the music in general both in the studio and on stage?

Absolutely! For Thirty Seconds to Mars, sound and image go hand-in-hand. I don't think of myself as just a musician or just a director. I think of myself as a creative person and that involves all types of creative pursuits.

If you were to compare the album to a movie what would it be?

I don't think there's one movie that I could compare this to. I really think of Love, Lust, Faith +Dreams as a soundtrack to our lives.

What artists are you currently listening to?

I like a lot of different types of artists. It's everyone from U2 to Sigur Rós to newer artists like Miguel and Lorde.

What’s next for you?

Obviously the next thing I'm excited about is the Hollywood Bowl show and being able to share it with everyone. I also have my first film in six years coming out on November 1st. It's called DALLAS BUYERS CLUB, and I play the transgendered Rayon, who is dying of AIDS. After that, I continue on the next leg of this world tour where we are playing sold out arenas all over Europe. It's going to be fun.

Source: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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Jared Leto of Thirty Seconds to Mars talks Hollywood Bowl Show & More (3 octobre 2013)
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