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 The Hollywood actor and rock star Jared Leto and his brother talk about how art and music saved them from drugs and prison

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Appelez moi Echelon


Date d'inscription : 04/07/2010
Localisation : Caliland

The Hollywood actor and rock star Jared Leto and his brother talk about how art and music saved them from drugs and prison Empty
MessageSujet: The Hollywood actor and rock star Jared Leto and his brother talk about how art and music saved them from drugs and prison   The Hollywood actor and rock star Jared Leto and his brother talk about how art and music saved them from drugs and prison EmptyLun 10 Juin 2013 - 9:05

1°)Dans le sunday times magazine:
The Hollywood actor and rock star Jared Leto and his brother talk about how art and music saved them from drugs and prison Stm110

The Hollywood actor and rock star Jared Leto and his brother talk about how art and music saved them from drugs and prison Stm210

The Hollywood actor and rock star Jared Leto and his brother talk about how art and music saved them from drugs and prison Stm310

2°)Relative Values: My brother has been to some very dark places
Citation :
The Hollywood actor and rock star Jared Leto and his brother talk about how art and music saved them from drugs and prison.

Jared, 41

Mom had my brother, Shannon, when she was 17. She had me 18 months later. At that point, she was living in Louisiana, and it wasn’t long before she knew she wanted to get out. Grabbing me and Shannon in one arm and a fist full of food stamps in the other, this teenage single mom of ours headed up north to Massachusetts.

It was a pretty brave thing to do, but Mom thought that by getting out of there, she would give us all the best chance in life. She was also a bit of a free spirit, and had embraced the hippie culture that was sweeping America in the Sixties and Seventies. So in those early days, we moved around a lot; it was nothing new to wake up in the car and find we were on the road again.

Source: echelonsfl worldpress
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The Hollywood actor and rock star Jared Leto and his brother talk about how art and music saved them from drugs and prison
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