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 jared dans kerrang! germany

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8 participants
Appelez moi Echelon

think positive think 30

Date d'inscription : 28/11/2006
Localisation : between heaven and hell

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyMer 9 Nov 2011 - 18:55


jared dans kerrang! germany Tumblr_luej9pOj5G1r1s6guo1_1280
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Appelez moi Echelon

Date d'inscription : 10/10/2010

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyMer 9 Nov 2011 - 19:20

Merci Kyky!!!
et merci à qui voudra traduire!!!!! jared dans kerrang! germany Ipb12
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Appelez moi Echelon

think positive think 30

Date d'inscription : 28/11/2006
Localisation : between heaven and hell

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyMer 9 Nov 2011 - 19:21

Citation :

  1. Jared was 12 years old when he got his first job as a dishwasher. He earned just £1.57 an hour.
  2. He also got his first guitar aged 12 (presumably not using the
    wages from his washing-up job), which was a Roland Juno-106. Snazzy!
  3. The first instrument he ever learnt to play though, was the ”old beat up piano” in his first home.
  4. He claims he spent time living on the streets of New York to get
    into character for his role as a drug addict in the 2000 film Requiem
    for A Dream.
  5. Jared also claims that the closest he’s ever come to dying involves ”a gun and some cocaine”.
  6. Jared is pro-mullet. ”When I was a kid I was king of the mullets,”
    he recalls. ”If you’re wearing a rock T-shirt, you’ve got to have a
  7. Creepily, he used to break into other people’s houses and just sit
    there, saying: ”I found it very comforting to be in someone’s empty
  8. Retro gamer Jared holds the highest score on record for a game of Sonic The Hedgehog 2 on the Sega Mega Drive.
  9. He’s been offered big bucks to get his skinny jeans off for Playgirl magazine. He’s yet to accept their offer…
  10. In 2007 he gained 62 pounds to play the role of John Lennon’s murderer Mark David Chapman in the film Chapter 27.
  11. The rapid weight gain caused him to develop gout and, unable to waddle onto set each day, he was forced to use a wheelchair.
  12. In 2008 he received a public lap dance from Paris Hilton and the pair were caught on camera swapping spit.
  13. He doesn’t use soap. His grooming regime consists of just water and
    occasionally shampoo. ”The smaller your bathroom bag is, the better,”
    he says.
  14. Jared has only ever performed karaoke once – with Courtney Love at a
    wedding. The tune in question? Eye Of The Tiger. All together now…
  15. He once suffered a broken nose after being trampled by his very own fans at a 30STM show.
  16. Jared’s rider requests include water, almond milk, fresh fruit, nuts and ginger. All the rock ’n’ roll essentials.
  17. He doesn’t listen to rock music, and when his band were making This
    Is War, he claims he didn’t listen to music at all for a whole two
  18. The backdrop to Jared’s Twitter page (@jaredleto) is a great white
    shark. The biggest great white shark ever caught was off the coast of
    Mexico in 2011. It was a whopping 17.9-foot long.
  19. For most shows he uses one of two custom-made McSwain guitars.
    They’re both engraved with the image of a gryphon drawn by Jared
  20. He’s a computer geek and likes to spend his time taking them apart
    and putting them back together. We know who to call next time our hard
    drive conks out, then.
  21. Vegetarian Jared’s favorite foods include popcorn, vegetables, onion rings and hot sauce. But not burgers.
  22. Although he doesn’t drink alcohol, he does like to use it as mouthwash. We prefer Listerine ourselves.
  23. His dream dinner party guests would be God, the Devil and Natalie Portman.
  24. His pre-show ritual involves one hour of silence, one hour of
    stillness and then a small amount of time holding his breath. Like you
  25. Although heterosexual, Jared claims: ”If I saw a man and I was attracted, I would follow through with it.” And why not.
  26. He’s no Gleek, but Jared wouldn’t mind one of his songs appearing on Glee. ”It’s nice if people ask to use our song,” he says.
  27. He recently got the Latin phrase Provehito In Altum tattooed across his right collar bone. It’s the band’s motto and roughly translates into ’Launch forth into the deep’.
  28. The guests at this year’s Kerrang! Awards were given free lighters.
    Jared refused to accept his on the grounds that he doesn’t smoke, or
    use candles.
  29. Germ-phobe Jared doesn’t ’do’ hand shakes, but he is happy to go in for a hug or even an elbow bump.
  30. Last month Jared’s car was pulled over by police in Hungary and
    searched. They were looking for a murderer. (NB: It wasn’t Jared.

c'est le même article de kerrang UK d'aout 2011, super original
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Appelez moi Echelon

Date d'inscription : 10/10/2010

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyMer 9 Nov 2011 - 19:23

La vache, ils leur faut 3 mois pour faire la trad en allemand chez Kerrang??? jared dans kerrang! germany Ipb7
Merci en tous cas Kyky!!
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Apprenti Echelon

I will get my revenge

Date d'inscription : 28/05/2011
Localisation : Lyon

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyMer 9 Nov 2011 - 19:30

jared dans kerrang! germany Mdr93

Merci quand meme jared dans kerrang! germany Smile
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Apprenti Echelon

Keep searching

Date d'inscription : 01/12/2010
Localisation : (73)

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyMer 9 Nov 2011 - 20:05

Je me disais aussi, j'avais l'impression de l'avoir déjà lu quelque part Laughing
Bon, bientôt on la connaitre par cœur !
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Mars Army Soldier


Date d'inscription : 16/06/2011
Localisation : Tours

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyMer 9 Nov 2011 - 22:32

Arf, ça fait 2 fois que j'arrive après la bataille !!! Pardon Kyky, il faut que je vienne encore plus souvent sur le Fof, t'es trop rapide pour moi happy
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Apprenti Echelon

[0312 - 011 - 1531]

Date d'inscription : 12/03/2011
Localisation : en grève

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyJeu 10 Nov 2011 - 7:15

Merci Kyky jared dans kerrang! germany 583622

Et Juju tu n'arrive pas après la bataille, c'est que super Kyky est supersonique!!!

Très original en effet!
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Date d'inscription : 07/09/2011
Localisation : sur Mars et pas envie d'y descendre

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyJeu 10 Nov 2011 - 9:34

merci pour la traduction
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Timide, mais je me soigne...

Date d'inscription : 15/11/2011
Localisation : est actuellement sur une autre planète...

jared dans kerrang! germany Empty
MessageSujet: Re: jared dans kerrang! germany   jared dans kerrang! germany EmptyVen 18 Nov 2011 - 23:04

Il est un peu cradouille quand même!! il n'utilise pas de savon??!!?
En même temps lors du concert, il n'était pas le seul!!! jared dans kerrang! germany 397
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