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 From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview

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9 participants
Appelez moi Echelon

think positive think 30

Date d'inscription : 28/11/2006
Localisation : between heaven and hell

From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty
MessageSujet: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview EmptyMar 26 Juil 2011 - 15:50

Their ever popular frontman Jared Leto may have not been able to make
it for our little sit down interview, but lead guitarist Tomo Miličević
and drummer-percussionist Shannon Leto do just fine in telling us what
Thirty Seconds to Mars is all about. Should we take this with a grain of
salt? Only The Echelon will know.

In 10 years you only released three albums. How do you think your music has changed in the last three?
Shannon: I think there’s been a natural progression that has happened
for Thirty Seconds to Mars. We’re not interested in repeating ourselves;
we’re always pushing to challenge ourselves and to evolve and grow. We
do things to support that. So yeah, there’s just been a natural

What do you have to say to some who’ve marked you off as manufactured?
Shannon: We don’t pay attention to any of those things. If we hear it
we just dismiss it. I mean you’re always gonna have people who say
things about you and all we really care about is what we say about each
Tomo: You can’t please everybody.

Any future plans for the band?
Shannon: Right now we’re just focused on touring. We have many more
months of touring left. We’ll be touring until the end of the year and
there’s a lot that entails in it so that’s really what we’re focused on.

There have been rumours that you guys will be taking a decade off touring. Is that true?
Shannon: No, we’re really gonna take two decades off.
Tomo: Two or three. After this tour (we’ll need) at least 20 years to recover so...

You’re a very well dressed band. Do you have a stylist or do you pick your own clothes?
Shannon: Thank you! No, if we like something we buy it and wear it. It’s very simple. Very simple.
Tomo: Not a whole lot of thought goes into it actually. We just kind of... throw it on.
Shannon: [Points at his rainbow coloured shoes] My shoes are a monstrosity. My shoes are partying right now.

Quite a lot of new songs are popping up online from your live shows. Is this a sign that we’ll be expecting an album soon?
Tomo: You never know...
Shannon: Well, maybe in a decade you might be able to hear a note from one of those songs, you’ll never know...

though you’ve once said that the band’s name has very little to do with
space and travel, one day would the band like to travel to Mars?

Shannon: I mean who wouldn’t? I’m sure if you had the opportunity you’d
want to go check out Mars, see what their local disco is you know?
Local cuisine...

You’ve travelled all over the world. Any place you particularly like?
Shannon: There’s been many, so it’s really hard to pick one. They each
offer something different from one another so it’s hard to just pinpoint
one. We love touring.
Tomo: All the places are great. What we
notice is no matter how different the culture is at the places that
we’re visiting, it’s the similarities of the people that come to the
show. Different people, different cultures but one unifying experience.
Shannon: That’s what’s so beautiful about music. It brings everyone together.

The band likes to make a lot of cinematic videos. Will there one day be a feature-length film by Thirty Seconds to Mars?
Shannon: Well actually my brother’s (Jared) finishing up ‘Artifact’
which is a documentary of sorts. It started during the making of ‘This
Is War’ and it’s not just a typical behind-the-scenes making of a
record, it’s about the music industry and how it’s changed. And it’s
about people’s lives, perspectives – it’s gonna be amazing when it’s

Your loyal fans are called The Echelon. Have there ever been any instances where things got out of hand with them?
Tomo: Nope.
Shannon: You know people get excited. You get a bunch together and
there’s one or two excitable characters but no, they’re amazing, they’re
an awesome group of people – we call them family.

Jared once described the band as ‘bigger than life’. Care to elaborate on that?
Shannon: I think the band is not just a couple of guys up there
playing. There’s a lot more to it, there’s many, many people involved,
The Echelon, there’s the visuals that we’re heavily into – there’s so
much. It’s really big actually. I mean I’m thinking out loud right now
so it doesn’t make sense but Thirty Seconds to Mars is kind of, uh...
Tomo: [Cuts in] It’s just more than just a musical experience and it is
our entire lives and we share it with so many different people, so in
that way it’s larger than life.

What’s the one clothing item you can’t live without?
Tomo: Clean underwear.

Besides the necessities?
Tomo: Well, you asked the question...
Shannon: [Thinks hard for a moment] I would say... I think a nice pair
of runners? It can get hot out there on the street walking around, but
if you don’t have anything else – you just have some runners on – I
think you’re good. You’re good.

Syarifah Syazana

credit :http://www.timeoutkl.com/music/articles/From-Yesterday-Thirty-Seconds-to-Mars
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Mars Army New Soldier


Date d'inscription : 01/04/2011
Localisation : In a PÜKIN World !

From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty
MessageSujet: Re: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview EmptyMar 26 Juil 2011 - 16:15

Citation :
You’re a very well dressed band. Do you have a stylist or do you pick your own clothes?
Shannon: Thank you! No, if we like something we buy it and wear it. It’s very simple. Very simple.

"Very well dressed band?" .. Cette personne doit avoir d'énorme et grave problème de vue, j'en ai peur ! Laughing Et le Shannon qui répond "we like something we buy it and weart it" oui bah j'en doute pas une seconde ça que tu mets pas des heures à choisir tes vêtements, pourtant des fois tu devrais hein.. tongue

Merci Kyky en tout cas, itw interessante même si on y apprends rien de nouveau, j'ai bien aimé. happy
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Appelez moi Echelon

Créateur du Design

Date d'inscription : 08/07/2010
Localisation : Dans le chateau de Frank N Futer

From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty
MessageSujet: Re: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview EmptyMar 26 Juil 2011 - 16:17

Angelus a écrit:
Citation :
You’re a very well dressed band. Do you have a stylist or do you pick your own clothes?
Shannon: Thank you! No, if we like something we buy it and wear it. It’s very simple. Very simple.

"Very well dressed band?" .. Cette personne doit avoir d'énorme et grave problème de vue, j'en ai peur ! Laughing Et le Shannon qui répond "we like something we buy it and weart it" oui bah j'en doute pas une seconde ça que tu mets pas des heures à choisir tes vêtements, pourtant des fois tu devrais hein.. tongue

Merci Kyky en tout cas, itw interessante même si on y apprends rien de nouveau, j'ai bien aimé. happy

merci Echelon expert en infos

ils devraient e contenter des vêtement noir, blanc gris et rouge ainsi même si ils s'habillent dans le noir leur tenue est zero défauts niveau couleur (ce qui serait déjà un grand pas en avant)
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Apprenti Echelon

furieusement zen

Date d'inscription : 05/11/2007
Localisation : Eragny (95)

From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty
MessageSujet: Re: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview EmptyMar 26 Juil 2011 - 16:25

genre les mecs ils vont nous faire une coupure de dix voir de 20 ans loool
et après il en rajoute une vingtaine soit 200 ans youhou MDR

ce qui nous montre à quel point ils ne risquent pas de s'arrêter les petits :p
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Posteur Fou

That's the tooth. x)

Date d'inscription : 17/06/2011
Localisation : Over the hill.

From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty
MessageSujet: Re: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview EmptyMar 26 Juil 2011 - 17:09

Je sais pas pourquoi mais j'adore cette interview, j'pense que c'est parce que y'a beaucoup, beaucoup de Shannon et un peu de Tomo ^^

Ca change From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview 199
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Apprenti Echelon

[0312 - 011 - 1531]

Date d'inscription : 12/03/2011
Localisation : en grève

From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty
MessageSujet: Re: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview EmptyMar 26 Juil 2011 - 17:19

Angelus a écrit:
Citation :
You’re a very well dressed band. Do you have a stylist or do you pick your own clothes?
Shannon: Thank you! No, if we like something we buy it and wear it. It’s very simple. Very simple.

"Very well dressed band?" .. Cette personne doit avoir d'énorme et grave problème de vue, j'en ai peur ! From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview 397 Et le Shannon qui répond "we like something we buy it and weart it" oui bah j'en doute pas une seconde ça que tu mets pas des heures à choisir tes vêtements, pourtant des fois tu devrais hein.. From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview 199

Merci Kyky en tout cas, itw interessante même si on y apprends rien de nouveau, j'ai bien aimé. From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Happy
Tu as lu mes pensées Angelus From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Ipb7 From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Ipb7

Merci Môman From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empoigna elle est bien cette ITW
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Apprenti Echelon

Keep searching

Date d'inscription : 01/12/2010
Localisation : (73)

From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty
MessageSujet: Re: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview EmptyMar 26 Juil 2011 - 20:57

Citation :
You’re a very well dressed band. Do you have a stylist or do you pick your own clothes?
Shannon: Thank you! No, if we like something we buy it and wear it. It’s very simple. Very simple.

Moi j'aurai plutôt dit "on trouve quelque chose dans notre penderie et on l'enfile. C'est simpl, on superpose et mixe tout" !

Sinon les voir plaisanter sur leur break, sa détend From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview 397 Sérieux dans 20 ans ils auront 60 balais quoi... Puis même dix ans, ils tiennent pas en place ils en seraient incapables !
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Mars Army Soldier

Date d'inscription : 11/07/2010
Localisation : Toulouse

From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty
MessageSujet: Re: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview EmptyMar 26 Juil 2011 - 21:09

Ahahahahaaaa!!! Il l'a dit! Il l'a dit qu'elles étaient monstrueuses ses chaussures!!!

<- la celles la!!! hahahaa!!
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Apprenti Echelon

I imagine I believe

Date d'inscription : 28/12/2010
Localisation : Entre Vénus et Mars

From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty
MessageSujet: Re: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview EmptyMer 27 Juil 2011 - 4:16

heaven a écrit:
Ahahahahaaaa!!! Il l'a dit! Il l'a dit qu'elles étaient monstrueuses ses chaussures!!!

Alleluia, Shannon a conscience qu'elles sont horribles From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Inclassa
Merci Kyky, cette itw est intéressante.
En plus ils parlent d'Artifact From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Blush13 (oui je ne désespère pas de voir cette vidéo un jour !).
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Contenu sponsorisé

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MessageSujet: Re: From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview   From Yesterday: Thirty Seconds to Mars interview Empty

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