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 HAI Magazine (Indonesia) - Février 2010

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Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009
Localisation : France

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MessageSujet: HAI Magazine (Indonesia) - Février 2010   HAI Magazine (Indonesia) - Février 2010 EmptyVen 19 Fév 2010 - 12:56

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“30 Seconds to Mars. More Powerful!”
In a very interesting chat with Ryo from Hai! Magazine, Jared admitted that he’s proud of “This Is War”. The album that he called more powerful.
Who doesn’t know Jared Leto? This multitalented guy amazes many people through his works. When he played in movies like, Fight Club, Girl, Interrupted, and Panic Room, his terrific acting made reaping praise. When he’s with 30 Seconds to Mars, his energic performance and incredible line track made a lot of people willing to become his fans. When he turned into a clipmaker, his works success made people gape. Amazed and surprised with the idea in his head.
In order to release the album “This Is War”, which is 30 Seconds to Mars‘ third album, Hai! Magazine had an opportunity to chat with Jared via international telephone connection. The following excerpt of the interview.
H: Hai! Magazine
J: Jared Leto
H: Hi Jared. How are you?
J: Very good. I’m in Los Angeles now. While waiting for ration phoners completed. Thank God, you’re the last.
H: Hahaha. Okay, let’s talk about 30 Seconds to Mars. There’s a Latin language that always appear in your CD. Provehito Altum. What does it mean?
J: Hmm, it actually like a motto for us. “Launch forth into the deep”. That’s pretty much the meaning. We hope that motto can make us challenged to move forward, although we’re something that cannot be predicted in the future.
H: Interesting motto. But in the previous album written “Prohevito”
J: This is actually a confession. For this album there’s a misspelled. So, the correct one is Provehito, not Prohevito.
H: Okay, back to the album. You guys made a lot of breakthrough in this album. Including taking a lot of people to get involved. In fact, in some countries, you’re releasing album with different covers. Tell the story a bit?
J: Yes. We really did it to get a perfect vibe. We wanted to make this album more powerful. And, we wanted to invite the fans to contribute their energy in this
album. And this became reality. We really put in their voices to the record. And the result became maximal. If you got an album without a picture of a tiger in the cover, that’s blessing. We invited 2000 people to present in our front cover. But, we’re still including a tiger picture in the inside. We did this to interpret the spirit of this recording.
H: Are you going to make an album like this someday? Inviting fans to join the recording again?
J: Hahaha, the answer is clearly no! We’ve done it before. And we felt that the concept is fit. For the next album, we’re going to find a different gimmick. Adjusted with our moods.

H: Okay, what do you think about this album?

J: This is an album that boasts. The music is powerful. And I’m proud of This Is War.
H: Now you’re just three. How does it feel to perform in stage?
J: No difference. Because we always include two additional musicians in our concert. So we don’t change many things. But, for This Is War concert, we have designed a maximum stage concept. That could make the audience gasped when watching. Just wait.

H: Are you going to come to Asia?

J: It’s in the plan. Clearly, Asia and Australia are the destinations. Just wait.
H: Talking about the album, there’s the name Steve Lillywhite there. How does it feel working with a legendary producer?
J: I’m a fan of Steve’s works. Therefore, we invited him to handle this album, I have to admit, the result’s maximal. I’m glad I could work with Steve. He’s one of our best friends.
H: You said, a collaboration with Kanye West in the track ‘Hurricane’ will also included in this album?
J: Yep! That’s the plan. But, until the CD is produced, the material of that song hasn’t been finalized. What can we do, we must go on, and that song had to be abandoned.
H: But, you said that you’re going to include that song’s material to your certain tours?
J: It still could happen. So, we’re going to show that material, although it’s not included in the album.
H: Kanye has posted a photo where there’s you, Kanye, and Brandon Flowers from The Killers. What actually Brandon did there? Is he involved in the project ‘Hurricane’?
J: No. He just happened to be there. It does no harm if he was in the studio during the recording session, right?
H: Right! But really? There’s not anything?
J: Not at all.

H: May specify your favorite songs on This Is War?

J: This question can’t be answered. I like all the tracks. And, until now I still feel the same thing.

H: Okay, any message for your fans in Indonesia?

J: Thanks for listening to us. We will try to produce things that can make you satisfied. Including this album, and our concerts.

credit : jaredletoonline
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