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 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne

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3 participants
Appelez moi Echelon

think positive think 30

Date d'inscription : 28/11/2006
Localisation : between heaven and hell

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MessageSujet: 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne   30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne EmptyMer 25 Aoû 2010 - 19:09

Citation :
Jared Leto, Tomo Millicevic & Shannon Leto met with us during Coke Live Music Festival
before their Friday show. The biggest interest was shown by the
musicians when they were talking about their fans and… polish pierogi.

How do you like your stay in Poland?
Shannon: This is a really lovely country. People are cool and friendly.
Tomo: KraKow is an amazing city. I regret we cannot stay here longer.

So why did you let your polish fans wait for you so long?
Jared: 30 seconds to mars is like a good wine… We hope
we will be able to come back here for our own concert (during the
concert Jared said from the stage that they will play in December in

Playing on festivals is something totally different than playing normal concert?
Tomo: Nothing will beat playing alone. During festival
you have an occasion to show yourself to people, who normally wouldn’t
come to your concert and that’s also cool, but definitely nothing will
beat a concert during which you are a headliner.

And do u have any habits when you are on tour, which you try always to fulfill? Maybe some secrets?
Tomo: Let them stay secrets.
Jared: Tomo likes to play chess in underwear, which he
buys in kids section of GAP, what is a little bit strange, but it looks
fine! Before the concert I try not to talk at all.
Tomo: Before the concert every one of us has other
habits. We play so many concerts, that they became a routine to us, so
everything we do is in some way a preparation to walking on stage.

Between your next albums you usually make quite big breaks, so your
fans have to wait for 3-4 years. Why does it takes you so much time?

Jared: That long takes for us the process of creating
the album. Time that other bands take to write songs, we take to create a
video and play the shows. We never wanted to hurry and do something
because we have to, we let everything to be created naturally.
Tomo: Album is something, that should be eternal, that’s why we always want to maximally refine it.

Videos that Jared mentioned, appear to be very important part of 30 seconds to mars work. Where do you take your ideas from?
Jared: There is no rule for it, ideas appear in most
surprising moments. You have to be open on them. Now I’m thinking about
new video too.

Your last video, Closer To The Edge, is one of the best concert
video clips that appeared during last years. Do u treat it like a
tribute to your fans?

Jared: I have to agree with you, it’s the best. It’s a
tribute to our fans, it’s a love letter to our music family all over the
world, for the Echelon. Creating of this video was very important to
us. We wanted to capture this moment in the history of a band. I wasn’t
sure if concert video clip is the thing that I should do, is it a good
direction, but now I don’t regret it.

Your relationship with fans is special, like your activity on
social websites in the internet. Can you imagine being a band, let’s say
40 years ago, when there were no such things?

Jared: Being a band that time was very different, from what is now.
Tomo: Some people say that it’s harder to be a band today, because there are so many bands u have to compete with.

Jared, some time ago u said that if u become a teen idol, u would kill yourself. Did u change your mind?
Jared: Actually, I said something like this some 10
years ago. I meant that I didn’t want to become a product, boy from
posters, I wanted to do something valuable.

And last question, which we ask really different musicians – do u have any guilty pleasures? (pleasures that make u feel guilty)
Jared: I have. Coconut milk. Jam from fresh strawberries. Biscuits.
Tomo: OOOO yes! That’s good.
Jared: Does pierogi (said with blameless polish)are always with white cheese and potatoes? Pierogi and potato pancakes are delicious.
Tomo: I love pierogi. I had do say that. We have to
find out where are the best pierogi and buy a lot of them! The best are
with white cheese, potatoes and sour cream.
Jared: I saw like they were fried in front of people
and then the cranberry sauce was added. That was something amazing!
You really have good pierogi! And potato pancakes.
Tomo: Summarizing, we discovered that we love pierogi and Poland is fucking amazing. Pierogi are our guilty pleasure.

vous pouvez voir des photos : ICI
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Date d'inscription : 22/06/2009
Localisation : Nord

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MessageSujet: Re: 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne   30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne EmptyMer 25 Aoû 2010 - 19:49

30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne 583622 Merci
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Appelez moi Echelon


Date d'inscription : 04/07/2010
Localisation : Caliland

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MessageSujet: Re: 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne   30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne EmptyMer 25 Aoû 2010 - 19:59

merci Kyr!
Kyr --> 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne 38794 <-- 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne Smile
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Appelez moi Echelon

think positive think 30

Date d'inscription : 28/11/2006
Localisation : between heaven and hell

30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne   30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne EmptyMer 25 Aoû 2010 - 20:01

30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne Ipb7 arrête certaines vont être jalouses!
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Date d'inscription : 22/06/2009
Localisation : Nord

30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne   30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne EmptyMer 25 Aoû 2010 - 20:04

calilacaill a écrit:
merci Kyr!
Kyr --> 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne 38794 <-- 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne Smile

Qu'est-ce qu'il ne faut pas entendre ?? Enfin lire !! 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne 172781
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Appelez moi Echelon


Date d'inscription : 04/07/2010
Localisation : Caliland

30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne   30 Seconds to Mars INTERVIEW Coke Festival en pologne EmptyMer 25 Aoû 2010 - 20:15

Ah ben effectivement, les réponses n'ont pas tardé ;-)

Mais je peux pas complimenter tlm en même tps Utopia loll (attends voir que je passe sur l'autre topic héhéhé)

Enfin, on est toutes et tous des Kings & Queens...Même que c'est une Charette qui l'a dit mais après, moi je dis ca, je dis rien...lol

Ceci étant dit, à chaque nvel article, ca fait tjs autant plaisir de lire les aventures des 3 zouzous...
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