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 30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011.

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Date d'inscription : 28/11/2006
Localisation : between heaven and hell

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Empty
MessageSujet: 30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011.   30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. EmptyMer 19 Jan 2011 - 8:43

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Concert-review

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Contents

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Riplej

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Story-1

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Story-2

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Story-3

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Story-4

Translation CD reviews :
30 Seconds To Mars
Debuted 30 Seconds To Mars album is located somewhere between modern
rock, nu metal and screamo, hook up with industrial because of icy
electronics which come into effect skillfully put between heavy guitars
in tunes like Capricorn (A Brand New Name). Anyway drummer Shannon Leto go in for reach for synthetic sound of drums (Edge Of The Earth, Echelon).
A against to another albums, on a debut is little less memorable melodies, but they are here too (chorus of Capricorn). Band bet on vibe that highlight in dark Fallen- not only thanks to featuring of Maynard James Keenan, but thanks to characteristic guitars and bass guitars parts.

A Beautiful Lie
It seems to it doesn’t big revolution, but from first beats of Attack is
to hear that we have to do with new 30 Seconds To Mars. Expression of
Jared Leto’s sing complete with expressive tunefully of composition give
for it new for this band elegance. Amplification of ring in bigger
consistency in build melody came to fruition with tunes like The Kill, From Yesterday or title song- with unobvious solutions of ring, that make whole dynamic.
Expressive choruses of The Fantasy and Savior, in
which Jared can screaming, develop screamo esthetic of the band, but all
is much more grounder and richer than on a debut album. Here come out
Leto brothers’ inspirations of creativity of The Cure (Was It A Dream?), Bjork (cover of Hunter added to deluxe edition), and postgrunge’s music too (ballad The Story).

This Is War
Is it an accident that 3rd 30 Seconds To Mars album, similar to 3rd
U2 album has word “War” in a title, and in production of both
participated Steve Lillywhite? Maybe, because despite of this, that
Jared Leto’s band increasingly come closer to design of Bono’s band, we
find here more accents typical for The Unforgettable Fire and The Joshua Tree than for War. Sung as strong as had power in lungs choruses of tunes like Night Of The Hunter or Closer To The Edge
give space to energy, so characteristic for U2’s accomplishments
recorded under the view of duo Eno/ Lanois. However this similarity is
only superficial, because in a core of 30 Seconds To Mars still
dominated prefix “nu”, though this time more rock than metal. Long,
developed compositions glamorously reconcile maturity with youthful
passion (in this band have help in the shape of choir composite from
thousand fans). Progressive motifs in electronic frame in Stranger In A Strange Land are proof for musicians’ opened horizons, on the other hand intimate beauty of Alibi soothe by soft sounds of piano and guitar in The Cure’s style. This Is War is beautiful and touching album, for sure critical for the band.

December 14th 2010, Torwar Hall, Warsaw
30 Seconds To Mars
On the beginning was Escape, on the final Kings & Queens,
exactly like in August during Cracow’s concert on Coke Like Music
Festival. However setlist was very similar. In fact, they played the
same songs like then. So, was almost whole This Is War, except only Stranger In A Strange Land; last time missed also Hurricane, this time performed while a encore, just before Kings & Queens, but tune waited great video in the meantime and it couldn’t be miss. And setlist completed songs from A Beautiful Lie, some more than previously, because beside A Beautiful Lie, Attack, From Yesterday, The Kill was also Was It A Dream? and The Fantasy,
anyway in great version with hypnotic, rhythm’s intensify final, what
was turned out as well the final of main part of concert. Newness was
mostly- in acoustic block- song Bad Romance from Lady Gaga
repertoire, which wonderfully dignified in Jared Leto’s perform. But
appeared absolute surprise too. In one moment vocalist- this time
without mohawk, with hair colored to green- asked public what they want
to hear. Capricorn- someone shout. And we heard- in the same acoustic part- subtle version on Capricorn (A Brand New Name)
from first, little forgotten, band album. Overall was nineteen songs.
Not so much, because concert lasted only one and half hour. And much as
well, because during European tour, which band was in Warsaw on, setlist
spanned usually fifteen, sixteen, maximum seventeen tunes. Only several
times was eighteen, never nineteen. And Capricorn, except
public on Torwar heard only fans in Birmingham. Perhaps this give
emphatic evidence, that Jared really fell in love with Polish public and
words: Poland, I love you, love you, love you so much! must be
dealing literally. But public also received 30 Seconds To Mars
powerful. Choral sing in closed room even powerfully than outside,
really came off better than on This Is War. Fans prepared also surprise for a band: perhaps during song 100 Suns created
from prepared earlier white (on platforms) and red (on plate) pieces of
paper and material huge Polish flag. Jared thanked for this sign with
real feeling.
So, was almost identical like in Cracow: similar setlist and equally
enthusiastic public. And the same ideas for diversification a show, like
jump in crowd or invitation to collective performance Kings & Queens on
stage big group of fans. But however was different. And it’s not only
because in a closed room group’s music sounded more clearly and they
light’s show give an impression of more refined. Radical difference
depend on this, that in contrast to a bit chaotic Cracow’s concert- do
you remember this interrupting of songs under a any veil?- Warsaw’s gig
had carefully measured dramatics with grading tension, with skillful
drawing curtain away in time, with turning up ring in moments of
culmination. In Cracow 30 Seconds To Mars delighted a public by powerful
dose of rock madness, in Warsaw didn’t miss crazy, uncontrolled fun
with share of public, but appeared also element of prepared in the
minutest details music show. How they surprise us third time? Because
they will come, without a doubt. Jared promised this from stage and I
believe, that will keep this words.
As a support performed reputedly band The Natural Born Chillers, but when I reached to Torwar, were no mark after them.
[PHOTO: Jared really fell in love with Polish public.]
I want to introduce replay of This Is War cover. Because cat is tiger too and it can appear on a cover…

Acting and music often go in pair, but rarely famous actor
can persuade fans by own music- the same as rarely happen that famous
musician shone in movie.

Distinguished Mick Jagger’s role in movie Performance (dir. Nicolas Roeg, 1970) didn’t guarantee him lasting place on big screen. Next roles in movies Ned Kelly (dir. Tony Richardson, 1970) or Freejack (dir.
Geoff Murphy, 1992) didn’t met with appreciation of fans and critics.
Nothing unusual, because for the most of people Mick Jagger isn’t an
actor, but leader of The Rolling Stones. The same as Madonna, singer and
scandalist, not necessarily actress and director. And Russell Crowe is
basically actor, not musician. In our country actors are becoming presidents, I’m only singing in a rock band.- playing down Jared Leto, who have played unforgettable roles in movies like Fight Club (dir. David Fincher, 1999) or Requiem For A Dream (dir.
Darren Aronofsky, 2000), and also vocalist and leader of still going up
in popularity’s ladder formation 30 Seconds To Mars. This is next to
David Bowie one of the sparse incidents when one person conduct
independent of each other two career, musical and film, and in both
areas achieve not little successes and get appreciation of fans and
reviewer, as musical as film.
[PHOTO: Tomo Milicević, Jared Leto and Shannon Leto on the way of changing.]

If Jared made his CV, that chronological in first order would have to write an acting. First role passed in series My So-Called Life.
It was in 1994, so eight years before album’s debut of started up with
brother formation 30 Seconds To Mars ( written also: Thirty Seconds To
Mars). Music in his life have been presented in his life from early
childhood. Mum have taken us on the concerts when we were little.- he mentioned.-
I have seen then Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd. When I was a little bit
older I saw Nine Inch Nails and The Cure- these concerts imprinted stamp
on me and became a decided part of my youth.

When brothers Jared and Shannon Leto created a band in 1998, they
were relatively 27 and 28 years old. Jared have had a status of budding
actor already, so it’s understandable, that 30 Seconds To Mars was
reckoned by them as a hobby. Because Shannon from early childhood have
showed interested in drums (From the earlier years I banged on pots and frying pans, but my first pad to practices I got when I was 3.- he have said), he sat behind drums. Jared took up a function of vocalist, guitarist, lyrics author.

This team was enough to playing on makes music in garage, but when
they must to come on the stage, other musicians have been indispensible.
In 1999 group expanded by guitarist Kevin Drake, which in 2001 relieved
Solon Bixler. In the same time joined bassist Matt Wachter. Bixler,
similar to his predecessor, didn’t spend a long time in band. In 2003
relieved him born in Sarajevo Tomo Milicević. On the beginning we have changed a name for every concert.-mentioned origins Jared.- We
gave here and somewhere odd performance, played one or two songs. But
then we decided to move it to different level, share by our music with
more fans.

Musician from the beginning liked to wear their creativity in rich
imagery and metaphoric. The name of band itself, 30 Seconds To Mars is
ambiguous. It’s atmospheric and climatic.- admitting Jared.- Order you to ask the questions. It establish to technical attainments and their artistic side. Purportedly it was scooped from the book Argus Apocraphex by
unnamed Harvard’s professor. In fact it’s one of many Leto brothers’
jokes, wink made to fans, who like search hidden meaning in band’s

When you recording your debut album been after 30 years old, had
status of Hollywood star and two times have sawn yourself in ranking of
the most beautiful faces of the world by “People” magazine, you can
jump over phase in which you play in cheesy saloons for measly money and
banging on labels’ doors, what the most of debuted bands know so good.
30 Seconds To Mars from the beginning have in within of hand the best
studios and great producers, but Jared have never used his film career
as springboard for promotion of the band. We have played with everyone, literally everyone.- he mentioned.- One time we’ve played before Mexican grindcore band, before metal, rock, folk bands.
They’ve played where we can- churches, saloons for motorcyclists near
roads, even libraries. Somewhere on American province, far from noise of
big cities, where in leader not always recognized Harry Goldfarb from Requiem For A Dream.
But when came the moment to record a debut album, band used an
occasion and went nuts. Musicians rented empty storeroom, where in quiet
can put the finishing touches on ideas (they prepared over 50 tunes,
which chose 11 from). For producer they assigned legendary Bob Ezrin,
who was responsible for sound of Pink Floyd’s The Wall and Lou Reed’s Berlin. Bob Ezrin from the beginning have been on our list- admitted leader.-We have felt, that he will be able to help us with getting breadth and scope of this what we care about. They’ve
recorded in several places, for example in Sunset Sound Studio in
Hollywood, where has recorded sounds for Walt Disney’s films and where
have recorded, among other things The Doors, The Beach Boys and Led
Zeppelin. Between guests who supported band in recording, appeared
figures like Maynard James Keenan (leader of Tool and A Perfect Circle)
and Danny Lohner (the best known from collaboration with Nine Inch
Nails). Both have participated in tune Fallen.
Premiere of an album was moved on almost one year. We wanted to released it in 2001, but came September 11th and everything was changed.- is saying vocalist. Changed a title, from Welcome To The Universe to 30 Seconds To Mars, changed also CD’s image. Jared: Original
project of a cover showed war, it was beautiful image of something
extremely violent. Something like this wouldn’t work out after September

Record, which was released in summer 2002, met with accept, found out
on the beginning of second hundred of “Billboard” list, what for a
debuted, alternative music band was good achievement. In press appeared
comparisons, for example, to Tool, Pink Floyd and Rush. BBC called the
band representative of 21st century’s alternative rock, though met critical opinions. Album is ruined by Leto’s gibber, pretentious poetics and courteoused sound of heavy guitars.- have written in no so much highly review “Rolling Stone”.

Group have gone into tour for promoting album. The shared stage for
example with bands Puddle Of Mudd, Incubus and Billy Talent. In 2003
band took part in detoured festival Lollapalooza. According to Tomo
Milicecić it was breakthrough in 30 Seconds To Mars’ history: We
went out with our flag in crowd, gathered fans, who proceeded after us
by our stage and when we got round there, we started to play.

Band pay a big attention for good relations with fans. Our fans are very dedicated.- admit Jared- They, by they
devotion define what 30 Seconds To Mars is. This is giant,
dysfunctional family. These people have great, creative influence on us.

When the time to record a second album came, vocalist had to
reconciled recording terms with schedule of works on movie set. He has
played then in Alexander (dir. Oliver Stone, 2004) and also Lord of War (dir. Andrew Niccol, 2005). Because of this recording of album A Beautiful Lie was
spreading in time and was held in different places on the world: in New
York, Los Angeles, Alaska, Republic of South Africa. This had a big influence on us.- admitted Jared, meant recording in different places.-
You can’t going somewhere far and stay unchanged. It’s impossible.
These places have a power in themselves, what helped me with created
very sincere, violent sincere, album, which we are very proud of.

Except of this, no so much was changed. The only change relate to
first CD was fact, that other people had an influence on process of
creation and they inspirited me. In fact, we all inspirited each other
for making the best album which we can. Previously time I played on all
instruments except drums, and this time Matt and Tomo added something
special from themselves. I still write a songs and no one tried to
change this. We all tried to help ourselves became this band, that we
dreaming about to be.

A Beautiful Lie’s producerbecome Josh Abraham,
known the best on numetal stage as collaborator of bands Korn, Limp
Bizkit and Soulfly. About lyrics’ layer vocalist has said: Tunes was
wrote from point of view of someone, who came out at the crossroad,
someone who must make an important decisions, what can changing his
life. If I were an expert of marketing I would say that this is a story
about love, death, chaos…

After releasing second album band 30 Seconds To Mars was coming on first tour, where they were a stars on. We
became a professional “opener”, what was great, because we learned so
much from bands, with who we performed, who we respect and admire, like
Incubus, Audioslave and Jane’s Addiction, and also these younger, like
The Used. We have many mutual experiences, but begin a time to go to
own’s and presenting ourselves in this way, that we always wanted.

Years 2006-2007 was for 30 Seconds To Mars string of successes. Video The Kill
was prized by MTV2 and also on Australia’s MTV Video Music Awards.
Award was gotten also on MTV Europe Music Award, and “Kerrang” magazine
announced them the best new band of 2007, acknowledged The Kill as the best single of the year. In January 2007 album A Beautiful Lie coated by platinum.

According to Murphy’s Law, if something work without problems it’s
mean that in a while will happen catastrophe. Men to string of successes
had to added less optimistic events. In 2007 Matt Wachter left a team,
since this time with band is concerting Tim Kelleher, but he isn’t the
official member of 30 Seconds To Mars. More serious problems have come
in 2008 when label Virgin take to court them for a sum 30 million of
dollars, arguing, that band didn’t provide them three long plays in
appointed time. From our side is looked so, that we regarded that we have a right to fight for some things.- explained Tomo in a talking with “Teraz Rock”.- We’ve
talked about this in a band and set that we want changes. But in these
time label haven’t want to negotiate with us so much. The rest is a
history. It was terrifying, that’s right. But it didn’t stopped us. This
kind of situations learn you how to fight, toughen you and give will to
survive. For sure, it didn’t weaken us.
Finally petition retracted and band stayed in corporation Virgin/EMI.

Attachment to fans, what we wrote about above, band manifested in special way when they recorded 3rd album. We wanted to capture on this a spirit of our performances.- Tomo has told us.-Jared
hit on fantastic idea about sending to all our fans invitation to
participation in recording if they want. And really, came to us, to Los
Angeles, over one thousand fans to participate in this project which
assumed using a group of people as alive instrument. It meant about
every sounds which human can make: speak, sing, clap, whistle. For
example in song “Vox Populi”- this, what heard in intro, is only kids-
sang, stamped, clapped.

This project has called The Summit. First summit took place in Los
Angeles, next was in nine different countries of a world, and also
through the mediation of Internet. Other project- Faces Of Mars-
depended on this, that band chose two thousand of photos of faces sent
from fans which then was randomly put to particular copies of CD and
sent to shops. This way album This Is War, what saw the light of day in 2009 has recorded number of two thousand different covers.

In production of this album again took part famous figures. This time
it was Flood and Steve Lillywhite, so people associated for example
with U2. We worked with Flood because we thought that this is a best
person who guide us on way what himself has wandered much times. This
is a way of changing. As a band we was ready to make a step forward,
break the rules, confront with changing, start anew.

Jared see in a whole album some kind of conceit: This is an album talked about conflicts, devotion and belief. Album debuted on 18th place in “Billboard” list, what was the biggest commercial success of 30 Seconds To Mars in USA.
[PHOTO: 30 Seconds To Mars with gold records for selling This Is War in Poland. 3rd from left- Piotr Kabaj, general director of EMI Music Poland.]

Leader of a band efficiently operate on two fronts, don’t wanted to sacrifice as music as acting. Jared loves acting and loves music, but for him these are two different, independent things.- Tomo has told us.-
As an actor he pretend odd character, speak a words written by someone
else, recreate someone’s vision. I know he loves this, but music is his
own. He creating it and express there this, what himself want to

To job by actor Jared approach very serious. In a necessary of movie Chapter 27 (dir.
J. P. Schaefer, 2007) where he played the murderer of John Lennon- Mark
David Chapman, he put on weight 27 kilograms, and it’s good to know
that he is a vegan. It didn’t the only challenge for him. Gone into
murderer’s psyche turned out as much difficult. I’m not trying to justify Mark or sympathize with him- he has said.-but
I had to analyzed everything, what happen before December 1980.Because
of this I came to his family city, talked with his old friends, with
family. I tried to understand, who he was. He was a man, who loved The
Beatles and committed so terrible crime. Were a days on plan, when I was
physically ill, because I had to stage some scene. It’s easy to show
him as a monster, but as an actor, I didn’t have to give in stereotypes.

Last successes of a band for sure are healthy balance for Jared, who
on a concerts can abreact stresses connected with acting, and casually
shed needless weight. Big tour promoted This Is War, called
Into The Wild, came to Poland twice. First in August 2010 group was one
of a stars on Coke Live Music Festival in Cracow and in December play
own, sold out concert on Warsaw’s Torwar Hall.

Jared can’t explained for excess of free time. Sometimes it’s difficult to quieten.- he admit, but when his succeeds in do this, he reads a books or edits short films. We
have much of hard work, but we have never explained because of this. We
are happy that we can do this. This way is realized dreams.

Acting hindsight of Jared come to fruition by film music videos of 30
Seconds To Mars. But leader of group by the way makes one more his
dream come true- being director.
Hidden himself under pseudonyms Bartholomew Cubbins and Angakok
Panipaq he directed six 30 Seconds To Mars music videos already. Every
of them was made with breadth what make that they looks like short
movies. His first directing work is The Kill (earlier band worked with hired directors). Clip establish to movie The Shining by Stanley Kubrick- band is coming to abandoned hotel where begin to going on strange things. References to The Shining are quite loose however- instead of stage particular scenes (how Slipknot in Spit It Out do this), was evoked a atmosphere of Kubrick’s work, with modification of a plot.

To make a clip to From Yesterday, in turn inspirited by Bernardo Bertolucci’s The Last Emperor,
band came to China. Came into existence a dozen or so- minutes film,
full of picturesque shots with conscientiously directed fight scenes and
rich copied of emperor’s court (on a set were several hundred people).
A Beautiful Lie was shoot on a Greenland, where members of
band had to be up against chilblain and unstable melted glacier’s
ground. Full of beautiful shots video has ecological message and income
from this was allocate for environment protection.

Video to a tune Kings & Queens has own title: The Ride.
Showed bike ride of band surrounded by hundreds fans on Los Angeles’
streets. To realized some of shots was had to close whole streets of
vibrant by life city for be able to cyclists ridden on them. Team is
passing by many of characteristic for L.A. places, and ride is ended on
pier Santa Monica, been one of the main Los Angeles’ showplaces.

Simpler and less extravagant is clip to Closer To The Edge- edited from concerts shots intertwined with fans’ pronouncements. To film aesthetics band returned in Hurricane.
Again we manage with epic work (divided in three parts), played out
with Hollywood’s breadth, this time in convention of thriller with
diffuse plot.

scans et traduction marycha
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Mars Army Soldier

Date d'inscription : 18/05/2010
Localisation : sur un nuage de barbe a papa bleu, au pays des bisounours ...

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011.   30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. EmptyMer 19 Jan 2011 - 11:09

Merci Kÿr!
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Appelez moi Echelon

Date d'inscription : 10/10/2010

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011.   30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. EmptyMer 19 Jan 2011 - 16:50

natsukii a écrit:
Merci Kÿr!

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Dark Avenger
Ex admin vintage sanguinaire
Dark Avenger


Date d'inscription : 09/08/2006
Localisation : Lille

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011.   30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. EmptyMer 19 Jan 2011 - 22:43

Merci Kyky!!
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Mars Army Soldier

Date d'inscription : 29/09/2010
Localisation : Bastia

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011.   30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. EmptyJeu 20 Jan 2011 - 7:41

MArsi Kyky !!!!
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Life on Mars

Date d'inscription : 21/07/2010
Localisation : Bretagne

30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011.   30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. EmptyJeu 20 Jan 2011 - 16:59

Marshi Kyky :)
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Apprenti Echelon

je vous t'aime !

Date d'inscription : 29/12/2010
Localisation : Dijon 21

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MessageSujet: Re: 30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011.   30 SECONDS TO MARS IN Teraz Rock, January 2011. EmptyJeu 20 Jan 2011 - 19:51

merci kyky
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