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 Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010

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4 participants
Appelez moi Echelon

think positive think 30

Date d'inscription : 28/11/2006
Localisation : between heaven and hell

Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  Empty
MessageSujet: Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010    Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  EmptyLun 6 Sep 2010 - 7:18



Citation :

Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  Tumblr_l8b80qi1rG1qa2mq2o1_500

See the girl up in the air with the gray sweatshirt? Well, there’s a dude’s hand in front her. Now, look at the hand to the left of his. Look down a little bit, and that’s me, poking my head out of the crowd waiting to take a picture with Jared Leto, which by the way was the one who took this picture.

Ok. So, my uncle and i get to the venue at about 4:00pm. We’re hanging out, waiting, making concert friends while in line. About an hour goes by and all the sudden i hear “JARED!” I look up, and there’s Jared, swerving in and out of traffic on the Hampton Beach strip riding a bicycle. What? Him? Just casually taking a stroll? So that was pretty cool to see him before the show.

And then comes 6ish pm when the doors open, and as always, it’s chaos. Everyone stumbling to get everything out of their pockets waiting to be searched by the security gaurds. We got in really quickly and smoothly and so i booked it toward the barricade while my uncle went elsewhere since he didn’t want to be in the pit. Technically i wasn’t up against the barricade yet but i had my hand on it, on the right side of the stage (if you’re looking from the audience’s perspective).

Waiting around, making more awesome concert friends, people being so excited that i was a “Mars Virgin” (meaning, i had never been to a 30 Seconds to Mars concert before). So the first band comes on and everyone is bored to tears; they sucked. Waste of time. Violent Soho i think was their name. Not that they weren’t necessarily talented, but i just don’t like hardcore grudge music, and that’s exactly what they were.

So they end, and we wait probably a good hour for 30 to come on. I was beyond anxious and excited and overwhelmed.

Than, that first note of Escape started to play. The crowd went insane, non-stop screaming. Shannon comes on, everyone goes nuts, he takes his seat. Than Tomo, than Jared. If you know the song Escape, you know that the ending is just epic, consisting of a million fans screaming “THIS IS WAR!” at the top of their lungs; and that’s exactly what happened. I’ve never heard a crowd so loud in my life.

Next song: Night of the Hunter. So much energy, and this is where my night started turning to gold. As the words, “But i rise up above it, high up above it” were sung, Jared takes a good look at my war paint and marshawk: he points to his face, than points to my mine, and i pointed back and he smiled.

Attack. Again, so much energy and crazy dancing and headbanging-ness.

Search and Destroy. This song was RIDICULOUS, as in AWESOME. It helped that this was one of those concerts where every single person in the venue knew the words. Mid-song, he stops everything and talks to the crowd, and basically says that we all need to get up on our feet and go absolutely nuts once he brings the song back in. Before he brought it in though, he had a left vs. right singing competition where he went back and forth between sides and had each sing “A million little pieces.” Than he said “OK 1, 2, 3, JUMP!” and he started jumping, and than he stopped again and told the people in the VIP boxes to get out of their seats. The song finally came back in and it was pure bliss. Everyone was going crazy singing the background “Ohhhs” as Jared continued to sing the chorus.

A Beautiful Lie. Amazing, obviously everyone knew this song.

This Is War. Before the song started, after ABL stopped, he had us all chant “THIS. IS. WAR!” at least 15 times over and over again, and then the song came in. Sweet.

Then came the acoustic medley. He sang parts of 3 songs acoustically. At one point he went over to my side and asked what he should play, and he was staring at me trying to understand that i was saying “Buddha For Mary”, and then he goes back to the mic and goes, “All i can hear from any of you is mwahhhhroooolaaamwuahh.” It was funny, had to be there. He ended up playing From Yesterday, The Story, and Hurricane.

The Kill. I can’t even describe to you how amazing this song was today. So it started, and i was pumped up and going crazy. Toward the beginning of the song, all of a sudden, he walks over to me, gives me his hand, and sets his feet on top of the barricade, so i took his hand and ended up literally holding him up while he stands right above me. I’m pretty sure none of the security guards were even helping, just me, holding him up with his hand. Then after awhile he let go of my hand and went back on stage. Than, during the last chorus, he came over to my side again and stood against the barricade instead of on top this time and turned directly to me, his face being literally not even an inch away, staring right into my eyes and we both screamed to each other, “I AM FINISHED WITH YOU, YOU, YOU!”. Speechless.

Closer to the Edge. See, i was really excited to see this live because i love the music video, and honestly, it was just like the video if not 1000x more energetic. But, before the song started, Jared said he wanted the front row people to “Head bang as if you were at a crazy Metallica concert” (I forgot to mention by time 30stm got on stage for their first song, i was up against the barricade, front row). So, i did, eventhough i already was, and he noticed me and once again pointed at me and smiled. At this point, i was overwhelmed with the recognition this dude is giving me.

Kings and Queens. Oh. My. God. So. Right after CTTE ended, he said “We have one more song left to play for you guys, and the first 5 people to crowd surf gets to come up on stage.” So then a group of like 15 people who had bought the package to go on stage walked up on. And a couple people crowd surfing went up. Than, he asked the crowd, “Who else wants to go up?” And IMMEDIATELY, from the other side of the stage, runs over to me, points at me, and tells me to go up on stage. WHATTT? i was FREAKING OUT. I got to sing Kings and Queens, on stage, pretty much right behind Jared. Best believe i headbanged the hell out of that oppurtunity. Being up there, with my 2nd favorite band of all time, being my first time seeing them live, was an unexplainable feeling that i have been dreaming to feel ever since i was little. That’s a solid check off my bucket list. Wow.

So Jared walked off stage, and it ended. I ripped their set list from the floor of the stage and put it in my pocket. I was shaking as i walked back to my where my concert friends were, and then started BALLING my eyes out. It was a dream come true and it totally hit me hard. A couple of people were coming up to me saying how they noticed i was up there and thought it was awesome. And i continued to cry my eyes out.

Than we headed over to the merch booth and i got an awesome tour shirt, and then we headed out back to see if Jared and the crew were going to come outside, and they did.

Jared came out, at the top of the stairs while we were all the way at the bottom, and signed some stuff and than took a picture of the whole crowd (not the picture above). Then as he was walking down the stairs, i yelled out his name and he looks at me and ONCE AGAIN, points and smiles. So he walked all the way down, signing other people’s stuff, and then looks at me and goes, “I love your marshawk, it makes me miss mine. Do you guys like this mullet or the marshawk better?” Everyone said the marshawk, and then i was like “Marshawk, all the way.” And he looks at me and goes “Yeah, i might go back to it again.” And than after he talked to a few others i yelled toward him, “Can you sign this?” Holding up my setlist. and he responds, with all mouth and hand gestures, something to the point of “Stay here, and i’ll do it later.”

So we wait another 30 minutes maybe, and he comes back out, and at this point a ton of people left but a ton of people stayed so i was scrambling to get his attention. Finally, i walked up to him and was like “Hey, Jared!” and then he looks at me dead in the eye and sticks out his fist toward me and i followed through. Than i asked for a picture and he was like, “Of course!” So we took a picture and then i was like “Thank you so much, that was a dream come true.” and he goes, “No, thank you!” and repeats the fist-action. Then as he was heading back into his tour bus, at the last second i caught him and said that i had a gift for him, and gave him my big white bracelet. He had a huge smile (as i noticed he hadn’t gotten an gifts that night which is unusual) and said, “Thank you so much.” And than he left.





et photos : ICI
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Appelez moi Echelon


Date d'inscription : 04/07/2010
Localisation : Caliland

Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010    Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  EmptyLun 6 Sep 2010 - 8:07

Merci Kyr Royale Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  38794 (oh oh oh, j'fais des blagounettes ce matin...J'suis sure qu'on te l'avais jamais faite encore! lol)

J'ai juste regardé vite fait les photos, je lirai plus tard...Si seulement j'avais pas mes exams à réviser, je me serrais lancée dans la traduction, histoire de soulager un peu les traductrices officielles Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  Smile

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Apprenti Echelon


Date d'inscription : 07/05/2010
Localisation : Ailleurs...

Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010    Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  EmptyLun 6 Sep 2010 - 13:16

Merci une fois encore, Kÿr Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  Happy

J'ai pas le temps de me lancer dans la traduc', pour le moment... Désolée, je verrais tout à l'heure si je peux traduire la fin pour aider quelque personne (Nastu, surtout, parce que je peux plus trop l'aider, en ce moment...) Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  861619
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Petit nouveau

Date d'inscription : 14/11/2009
Localisation : bordeaux

Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010    Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010  EmptyMer 8 Sep 2010 - 22:50

salut, je pars pour la californie en vacances et j'ai vu qu'ils passaient à Fontana le 27/09, j'aimerai y aller mais franchement pas toute seule donc si l'un ou l'une d'entre vous s'y rend ou connait quelqu'un qui y va, je suis preneuse
bonne nuit
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Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom 05.09.2010
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